Grow Your Business

Master Plan

Our 3 step master plan will set any business up for growth.

Three Fundamental Steps That Contribute to Online Success...

If you're reading this, it's likely you are a business owner who is looking for opportunities to scale and grow. Perhaps you are in the early stages of establishing a new business. Or maybe your current business has hit a road block in growth and you're having trouble putting your finger on why?

If any of these apply to you then we guarantee our master plan will provide you with some much needed clarity and direction. In less than 4 minutes, we're going to explain three essential steps small businesses must know to achieve online growth:

Step 1: Establish your identity

Step 2: Get online

Step 3: Grow online

Some businesses will need to prioritise one of these steps more than others however
it's impossible to achieve long term, scalable growth without a combination of all three.


Establish Your Identity

The first step and usually the one most often overlooked. Small businesses are quick to start spending money on marketing their website without really thinking about their brand identity. A question our branding team is always asking our clients is: what is it about your business that leaves a lasting impression on your customers?

A marketing strategy can put eyes on your business but a brand identity is what tells your businesses story and makes you memorable.


Positioning is about the space your brand occupies in the mind of your customers and an important step in the success of your business. How do you want to be perceived in the eyes of your target customers? For example, descriptive words that would describe businesses in the health industry could be 'trustworthy', 'authoritative' and 'reliable'. They are trusted with sensitive information and need to show they're capable of making big decisions about their client's health.

Instead of just targeting everyone, you should narrow down your audience to the finest details possible and build what's called a buyer persona. For example, a business that specialises in selling barbecues might want to attract: men aged 30-60. This is a good start, but what other qualities could our target demographic have?: They have a family, loves the outdoors and exercising, likes fixing things around the house. You can get even more specific: Where are they located? What kind of language or sayings do they use? etc.

This can then be translated to your clients through your tag line, profile or capability statement as well as your marketing and branding which we'll get into next.


Growth Tip: Come up with a list of at least 5 adjectives to accurately describe how you want your business to be positioned in your industry. 

Growth Tip: Try building a buyer persona or target customer for your business. Go deep. What are their values? Where do they live? what are their hobbies? What are their struggles? This will give you some great clarity on how to position your brand in the eyes of your target market.


Branding is how your business is visually perceived by your customers. The elements that contribute to branding are font, colouring and styling, all working together to position your brand favourably in the eyes of your target market. For example, brands that are edgy, powerful or modern tend to use black colours whereas navy is associated with authority, security and trust.

Branding specialists are experts at identifying what makes a business unique. They research case studies on all kinds of businesses, big and small with goal to understand how a particular brand stands out from it's competitors. An understanding of branding takes years to master and is a combination of consumer psychology, research within your industry and flawless design skills. Branding specialists know how to translate the desired qualities through your businesses branding by utilising specific assets for different scenarios.

Your branding is typically translated through what's called branding collateral. Collateral is collection of different forms of media your customers will come into contact with daily. Examples of branding collateral are your logo, business cards, signage, flyers or letterhead. All of these micro-interactions with your client add up to a lasting brand impression.


Growth Tip: Research some competitors in your industry and make a note of any elements in their branding that make them stand out.

Visual Story

The attention of your customers is a commodity and others businesses are competing for it. A question all business owners should be asking is how can you tell the story of your business and brand in an entertaining way? The human brain process imagery 60,000 times more quickly than text! If you can translate your message through graphics and video you're already a step ahead of your competition.

Graphics and video content together make up your businesses visual story which can be displayed on media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest or TikTok. Graphics are typically still images, used to inform your followers of upcoming promotions, services or even informative content or tips your customers may be interested in. The other piece of the puzzle is video content.

In 2020, 9 out of 10 viewers said they wanted to see more video content from businesses. Our talented video marketing team produce engaging and unique video content to tell your businesses story. We'll hook your customer from the opening sequence, provide them with real value and entertainment, leaving them wanting to find out more!


Growth Tip: Research some competitors in your industry and see if any of them are using video content and make some notes on how they tell their story. If none of your competitors are using video then you've just identified how to make your business stand out!


Get Online

After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. 

Arguably the most important step for online success, a website is your businesses online base. Your website  should be a resource for your clients to visit so they can: 

● Learn about how your business can be beneficial for them to put them in the mindset to make a purchasing decision.

● Have the most common frequently asked questions by your customers or clients answered. This also contributes to placing your customers in a purchasing mindset while saving you time answering simple enquiries.

● Contain reviews, partners and information to improve social proof and position your business as thought leaders.

● Have a point of contact via phone, a submission form or a way to purchase your products if your business is eCommerce.


Designed well, a website is the best lead generating tool a small business can use. COVID has caused many businesses to experience huge losses, however many have thrived seeing massive increases in revenue and their bottom line. The common theme across all these businesses is they have invested in their digital presence which all starts with a website.

A website is a collection of well-organised images, text and interactive elements that convert your customer from a state of awareness to being prepared to make a purchasing decision. Building a website is a difficult task that takes time, skill and years of experience with specialists dedicated to completing each individual task. a Web Design team consists of Graphic Designers which are responsible for building the visual elements that go into a website. UX Designers that make sure elements such as images, text and buttons are placed in a way that makes a purchasing decision easy intuitive. Finally, Web Developers code each individual element to provide users with a website that's fast loading, free from bugs and protected from any Cyber Security threats.

Our Web Design team obsesses over the placement and choice of elements on every website they build. They also collaborate with our Copywriters who can sell your products or services through engaging, educational and benefits-driven text that will place your customers into the mindset of making a purchasing decision.


Growth Tip: Go online and make a list of 5 websites in your industry and make a list of 5 features that stand out. A key tip, choose websites that are on the first page of Google. They'll have invested time and resources into their digital presence which means they'll likely be an industry leader (more on Google search soon).


Social media is one of the most effective ways to affordably increase your online presence. People spend on average around 2 and a half hours on social media per day; that adds up to a lot of opportunities to be in front of the eyes of your customers. Done well, social media can boost your authority, increase your following and send new and existing customers or clients back to your website.

How can a business utilise social media to grow their business? Unfortunately, many business owners make the mistake of haphazardly posting and array of images and text on their social media without much thought to their overall goals. For example, are you trying to increase your brands authority? In this instance, promoting recent blogs with informative and thought provoking content is a great way to improve authority. Want to increase your reputation or social proof? Post a screenshot of a recent review from a customer.

Our Social Media Marketers are experts at analysing consumer trends using a range of data-driven tools to build a social media strategy that works. They'll pull together enticing graphics or video and complement it with witty captions or text that aligns with your brand message.


Growth Tip: Now you have a list of 5 websites, have a look at their social media and make note of the types of graphics they're using, how many followers they have and how often people are engaging with their content through likes, comments or shares. This will provide you with a baseline of what you wish to achieve through your social media strategy.

Deal Breaker

The deal breaker is a combination of positioning your USP with an irresistible offer. A USP or Unique Selling Point is what makes your business stand out from your competitors.

Examples of a unique selling point may be that your product is more affordable than your competitors, you have more industry experience, or you can show that you get your clients results. You can then combine your USP with an irresistible offer in the form of educational content, landing pages or PDF's your customers know will be of benefit to them. These can be in exchange for an email or phone number, so you can send your customers regular updates on your products or services. This is key to converting customers on the fence or getting repeat purchases to your already existing customers. It's important to show them what makes you stand out from the rest.

The most important step after crafting your USP is getting it in front of the eyes of your customers. A great USP won't be affective if none on your customers are aware of it. That's where our expert team of marketing experts can help which we will discuss next.


Growth Tip: Make a list of all of the features that make your business of benefit to your customers or clients. Now order that list from highest importance to lowest. This list will help you zone in on your USP.


Grow Online

We at DSIGNS like to say, a website without marketing is like a lighthouse without a light. Online Marketing drives relevant traffic to your website. It's a tight knit system that's based on your budget, revenue goals and how quickly you want to scale your business.

Our Marketing Experts have generated massive results for a range of different industries through the latest techniques in PPC, SEO and Content Marketing. 

Digital Advertising

Tired of relying on Word of Mouth to generate enquiries? Is your eCommerce business not getting the sales you deserve? It might be time to start investing in advertising your business.

Advertising or marketing in short is making sure your potential customers and clients are aware of your products or services. Our team specialises in Online Marketing or Digital Advertising which works on the concept of if you can't track it, then don't do it.

Digital Advertising has exploded in popularity because every button click, every video view and every action on your website can be potentially tracked. This means you can tightly adjust your budget on your marketing spend, invest more money into what's working and stop what isn't working.

Our Digital Advertisers know how to build a detailed buyer persona (ideal customer for your industry) and leverage a range of industry standard tools to attract those customers and draw them to your website. Online Marketers first start with research into your industry, competitors and target market. They'll then use budget effective marketing campaigns to position your business ahead of its competitors using Google PPC or Facebook Advertising. Done correctly, digital marketing can generate a massive return on your investment making it the most effective tool for scaling your business.


Growth Tip:  Start thinking about how much of your businesses budget should be contributed to marketing. A good place to start is about a 3rd to 4th of your businesses goal monthly revenue. 


SEO is ranking on the first page of Google for free. This means you don't have to invest in pay per click advertising services to generate enquiries on your website. But why are SEO specialists in such high demand? It's estimated, that Google processes about 3.5 billion searches per day. That's over 1.2 Trillion searches per year and a massive opportunity to be in front of the eyes of your customers. It's been reported that the first page of Google captures as much as 92% of the traffic clicks. This means that if you're serious about investing in SEO, you should be working towards that top spot!

We often are asked if every business should focus on SEO? The short answer is yes, however some businesses should invest more into their SEO than others. For example: Trades, Aged Care, NDIS, Financial Services etc. SEO has become completely essential to grow your business and be competitive. This is because people will always consult Google first whenever they need services in those industry's. Customers do their research, comparing pricing, expertise and USP's of your competitors. It's essential your business is in the mix.

SEO is highly complex and requires an
SEO specialist to be done correctly. We have access to industry standard tools, can determine high performing keywords, analyse the performance of competitor websites and consider how to improve your websites technical SEO. This includes repairing broken links, increasing your websites speed and ongoing audits to ensure everything is running optimally.


Growth Tip: Think like a search engine. Consider how your customers might search for your industry on Google. Type in a few queries. If your competitors show up then there's a good chance you should be investing in your websites SEO

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the final part of achieving online excellence. In todays digital age, a simple website with a couple of pages doesn't cut it to not only rank on Google but also position your business as an industry leader.

Content Marketing is producing ongoing information that your customers and clients are interested in. It involves reaching out to bloggers, journalists, participating in forums, being visible on directories, network events and even YouTube videos. This will boost your authority and position your business as an industry leader.

Ongoing content is also hugely beneficial for your businesses' SEO. It tells Google you're consistently updating your website while targeting relevant keywords, which will increase your rankings. It allows you to position your brand as a thought leader, answering relevant questions or customer enquiries. It's also a highly effective marketing tool, as it allows you to draw in new customers by answering their questions and then pivoting your services as the answer. For example, a nutritionist might write an example of a blog article to be positioned on Google like "why am I not losing weight?" They'll fill the blog with great informative content that answers the searcher's questions while signing off the blog with a way to get in touch if they need a Nutritionist's services. 

Our Content Writers are experts in Email Marketing, Social Media Management, Blogs and even guest blogging

grow business

Growth Tip: Brainstorm a list of questions most commonly asked about your goods or services then search those questions in Google. If your competitors are ranking for those queries, then chances are they have some Content Writers producing ongoing content for them.

Want to learn more?

Call us on (02) 9191 8049 today and lets get started with a brief chat.

Our Process For Delivering

Your Online Success

A phone icon with the words let 's chat below it

We like to start with a brief chat to get an idea of the project. This will involve something like they type of business, your immediate needs and if we are able to take on new projects

Our dedicated Account Managers will ask you the right questions before moving to the next step.

A laptop with a checklist on it and the words `` fill in a form '' below it.

We use few brief questionnaires that are designed to go even deeper into your business and determine your long term goals and key success metrics.

Perhaps your website needs more traffic? Or maybe you're getting plenty of traffic but not getting enough enquiries? Whatever the issue, we'll be able to get to the root of the problem. From here we will begin formulating a plan for your business that will set the wheels in motion for online growth.

A logo for discovery meeting with a group of people sitting around a table.

The goal of this meeting is to have a deeper conversation about your project. We will provide you with actionable strategy that will allow your business to achieve it's long term goals. We'll likely present you with a few case studies and insights from our competitor research.

This gives you a clear and tangible outlook on what need to be done to achieve your business goals, and also an opportunity to see if we're the right match for each other.

A master plan logo with a dollar sign , a graph and a clock

Based on the information we collected in the brief and  discovery meeting, we will present a master plan for your business growth. This will include the project scope, investment required and the timeline. Once approved, we will get started with the initial tasks.

Client Reviews


Exceptional!! Very happy with the service. I have used Dsigns Australia for Logo design, Webpage to printing. They have exceeded my expectations all the time. They converted my ideas easily in to designs without any problem. Very responsive. 

The best thing was they gave new ideas of promoting our business which really worked for us. Highly recommended for every stage and every sort of business. They take your business to the next level.

Bineesh Chandy
Konkan Resturant
More reviews on Google
A man with his arms crossed is smiling for the camera

Thank you DSIGNS for your great work on helping develop our web design. Working with Nishana was a pleasure, she asked all the right questions to ensure her team could bring our vision to life. Great work!


Gavin Massie

The team at Dsigns Australia have been awesome to work with. They are very responsive and supportive whilst creating my website. They have guided me every step of the way, and appreciate all their efforts in the creation of my website. I can't Thank you enough Basheer and Team for all your hard work! Highly recommended!!!


Helena Vea

I'm extremely satisfied with the outcome and customer service. Best web design company out there with the best & most helpful staff. You are awesome! It looks perfect !! I love it !! Thank you once again Basheer. for all your help! I'm definitely recommending DSIGNS to my colleagues. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lidz Mat

DSIGNS were tremendous to deal with throughout the process of creating new logos, business cards and upgrading our website. Quick and clear communication with professional service. Thanks  Basheer!!



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